* played melting ice cream motorcycle girl candle cluster
07.04.2009 (sat) @ 大阪北堀江 club vijon gigs ; the lemon's chair monocism boyfriend's dead 死んだ僕の彼女 cruyff in the bedroom トリモデル
* played ロマンチスト (the stalin) drops melting ice cream motorcycle girl submarine
06.13.2009 (sat) @ 大阪日本橋 r/h/b open ; 21:00 door ; free! dj ; オカタツヤ (ビデオ j-将軍) カリスマキャッシャー ぽんきち マツオ イマニシマサシ gigs ; magical mistakes boyfriend's dead 葡萄屋 ザ・ラヴ・スパイ watchman
* played the fan and the bellows (the chameleons) melting ice cream motorcycle girl candle cluster
05.29.2009 (fri) @ 大阪梅田 club noon gigs ; サエキけんぞう・アンド・クラブ・ジュテーム シモーヌ深雪 アリスセイラー・アンド・ダメージ・ディストーション the penelopes boyfriend's dead mine 葡萄屋 ポニ×カル 秋葉原紫音 レ・カプチーノ ザ・ラヴ・…
* played cluster melting ice cream motorcycle girl submarine 4 a.m.
04.05.2009 (sun) @ 大阪湊町 montage gigs ; irotto+ the brinkys royalinserts boyfriend's dead
* played candle here she comes melting ice cream motorcycle girl submarine cluster chain my stars
candle cluster melting ice cream motorcycle girl drops submarine chain my stars
01.11.2009 (sun) @ 大阪日本橋 r/h/b gigs ; the go-devils irotto+ boyfriend's dead the junglers the chant → bazooka disco
02.28.2009 (sat) @ 大阪日本橋 r/h/b gigs ; maikotobranco 葡萄屋 urban youngsters boyfriend's dead casher ; よしの番長 → bazooka disco
* played cluster melting ice cream motorcycle girl drops friday i'm in love (the cure) here she comes chain my stars
11.07.2008 (fri) @ 京都蛸薬師 weller's club dj ; toshi a.k.a. vinyl junkie take 'detroit junkie' ishiko mickie karuki (暴走コネキョ☆) gigs ; boyfriend's dead → friday, i'm in luv
09.21.2008 (sun) @ 大阪難波 bears gigs ; she says she... the lemon's chair speaker gain teardrop boyfriend's dead * thank you for being you * played cluster melting ice cream motorcycle girl drops candle
09.20.2008 (sat) @ 大阪日本橋 r/h/b gigs ; khoomiis boyfriendsdead watchman asohgi → bazooka festival 2008 * thank you for being you * played cluster melting ice cream motorcycle girl drops candle submarine
08.02.2008 (sat) @ 大阪日本橋 r/h/b gigs ; watchman maikotobranco 死んだ僕の彼女 -my dead girlfriend- boyfriend's dead → bazooka disco * thank you for being you * played candle cluster drops melting ice cream motorcycle girl submarine su…
04.13.2008 (sun) @ 大阪日本橋 r/h/b gigs ; アカツキ boyfriend's dead khoomiis urban youngsters * thank you for being you * played candle 4 a.m. here she comes melting ice dream motorcycle girl drops cluster
04.11.2008 (fri) @ 大阪日本橋 r/h/b gigs ; boyfriend's dead dj ; nori y a.k.a. sasagu yasui (a.c.e.) 松前公高 nora norio (rare groove) * thank you for being you * played candle 4 a.m. here she comes melting ice cream submarine cluster mo…
03.23.2008 (sun) @ 東京高円寺 high gigs ; texas pandaa naikotobranco 死んだ僕の彼女 - my dead girlfriend boyfriend's dead * thank you for being you * played candle here she comes melting ice cream motorcycle girl cluster
02.10.2008 (sun) @ 大阪日本橋 r/h/b gigs ; watchman boyfriend's dead consome poncho * thank you for being you * played candle cluster
03.09.2008 (sun) @ 大阪日本橋 r/h/b gigs ; the lemon's chair boyfriend's dead khoomiis 葡萄屋 the owl dj ; ponkichi (time machine) * thank you for being you * played candle here she comes melting ice cream motorcycle girl drops submarine…
12.09.2007 (sun) @ 大阪堺東 goith gigs ; 葡萄屋 boyfriend's dead no.305 khoomiis consome poncho mimick alpha-heaven * thank you for being you * played candle here she comes melting ice cream submarine cluster drops
09.23.2007 (sun) @ 京都 the weller's club gigs ; old-araq boyfriend's dead dj ; is* (switch-over) sada (switch-over) toshi (friday, i'm in luv) take (friday, i'm in luv) 河野圭一郎 (old-araq) こまけだら (li'l cactus) サノトシノブ (scra-m) …
09.22.2007 (sat) @ 大阪日本橋 r/h/b gigs ; 悶絶 毒エロス boyfriend's dead dj ; 淫デイズリターンズ 毒エロス bobbie gillespie hairstyle (boyfriend's dead) * thank you for being you * played candle here she comes melting ice cream submarine…
09.08.2007 (sat) @ 大阪心斎橋 socio あめりか村 gigs ; super idol noise unit アリスセイラー mine boyfriend's dead sleepingsand ロマンスチック・カルツォーネ・ラヴ dj ; zoe (sub-cul) ▲ (velvet moon) chouchou noir (velvet moon) * thank you fo…
07.21.2007 (sat) @ 大阪心斎橋 socio あめりか村 gigs ; 渚にて boyfriend's dead モーテルヘッズもうとまらないアイウォンチュウ dj ; 山崎マゾ * thank you for being you * played candle here she comes melting ice cream summertime
07.01.2007 (sun) @ 大阪日本橋r/h/b gigs ; old-araq 葡萄屋 boyfriend's dead dj ; ナルチインサイド pengo! ハンサム団 * thank you for being you * played chain my stars 4 a.m. here she comes melting ice cream candle summertime
04.02.2007 (mon) @ 大阪北堀江 club vijon gigs ; mi-gu 葡萄屋 boyfriend's dead フランボワズ 雨降氏 kagamiari 花戸慎吾 * thank you for being you * played 4 a.m. melting ice cream here she comes summertime chain my stars
04.12.2007 (thu) @ 京都 木屋町モダンタイムス gigs ; louis philippe the penelopes miniskirt boyfriend's dead dj ; machigami (ready for the 80's) * thank you for being you * played here she comes 4 a.m. melting ice cream summertime chain my…